Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year from Politics Uncovered


We'll see what happens. . .

*NO POSTS TODAY AND TOMORROW. Please tune in to FOX News or CNN for fair political news while we're away.


Tuesday, December 30, 2008

BREAKING NEWS: Blagojevich names Obama Senate replacement

CHICAGO - While impeachment trials continue, Gov. Rob Blagojevich (D-IL) names the successor to Obama's seat in the Senate. He named Fmr. State Attorney General Roland Burris (D). He replaced the only African-American in the U.S. Senate's seat with another African-American.

Monday, December 29, 2008

BREAKING NEWS: Bristol Palin gives birth

WASILLA,Alaska - Sarah Palin's teenage daughter Bristol finally gave birth yesterday to a baby boy named Tripp Easton Mitchell Johnston.


COMING SOON: New Political Blog *UPDATE

We are pleased to announce a new blog,to start on January 20,2009 (Inauguration of Barack Obama). It is a totally Conservative,Anti-Communist,Anti-Liberal Blog. Called GOPoliticsNow (official name as of 29 Dec 08). Here is the new logo.We hope you will read and enjoy the new blog with news sources such as FOX News,CNN,National Review Magazine,and Sky News (UK).We hope you will still continue reading this blog,Republican or Democrat,or anything-in-between.

Visit to see the blog under construction.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

The WTC Site Controversy:We support Twin Towers 2

Pictures above: Original WTC pre-9/11,Freedom Tower under construction on WTC site.

After looking online a bit,we have decided to support the building of WTC Twin Towers 2 in Manhattan,NYC on the site of the original Twin Towers. The Freedom Tower is very costly and way too delayed.The Freedom Tower won't even be done by the 10th Anniversary of 9/11. This idea for a new WTC Twin Towers is supported by many,including 9/11 families and NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg (I), who gave $15 Million to support it. Other people/organizations that donated were:Here is the proposed design:

Please visit these websites to learn more and support WTC Twin Towers 2
Official Website of WTC 2
Petition and Other Info
Wikipedia Article

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Catchup:Obama in blackout,Bombing in Gaza Strip,and much more.


Here is your Holiday catchup:

HAWAII - A blackout on one of the islands of Hawaii. Pres-Elect Barack Obama and Family are on that island stranded without power.
Chip Saltsman sends RNC members an offensive song about Obama,which RNC chairman Mike Duncan condemns and is quote Shocked. Saltsman was gonna try to run for RNC chairman.

GAZA STRIP - Israel launches Operation Cast Lead in the Gaza Strip killing over 200 people, following recent attacks by Hamas

NEW YORK - Bernie Madoff's Fonzie scheme investgation continues as more and more people around the world are affected.

WASHINGTON - the Bush Administration is calling for the closing of the NDIC. Some say it is just to get rid of Congressman Murtha

We hope you had a Happy Holiday and we hope to be your news source into 2009.
Happy New Year'09!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Happy Holidays from Politics Uncovered

Politics Uncovered wants to wish you a Merry Christmas Eve & Day! We also want to wish you a Happy Hanukkah and Kwanzaa. There will be no posts today and tomorrow (check schedule in sidebar) .Thanks for reading Politics Uncovered.


Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Shoes thrown at Bush selling quickly

The shoes thrown at President Bush in Iraq a couple days ago have reportedly selling fast. The shoes,made by a Turkish shoe retailer says that over 3,000+ orders for the shoes have already been placed. It seems throwing those shoes were like somewhat,an advertisement for the shoe.

More Obamarama

CHICAGO- Obama Press Secy and Gov. Blagojevich Conversations go through investigation,also with Conversations between Obama and Blagojevich. Was Obama involved?

WASHINGTON - Retailers struggling with the economy ask Pres-Elect Obama to make holidays tax free in his Administration to increase revenue.

Obama Administration: Recession bailouts to reach $1-2 trillion

Today,Pres-Elect Barack Obama (D-IL) announced today that it will take $1 trillion to get through this financial crisis. But financial experts have stated that because if current bailouts and the auto industry plus unemployment, it will cost an extra trillion dollars. So in all,it will cost $2+ trillion to get through this hard time.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

What Cheney thinks about our Government.

WASHINGTON - Outgoing-VP Dick Cheney sounds off about this year's political figures in an interview today.

Gov. Sarah Palin (R-AK) Cheney said the 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee doesn't have the lock on the party's presidential nomination in four years. "She'll have to go out and earn it just as anybody else would have to."

VP-elect Joe Biden (D-DE) Cheney said he doesn't think Biden will be as influential in the Obama administration as Cheney was in the Bush administration. And -- big surprise -- he doesn't agree with Biden's description of Cheney as "the most dangerous vice president we've had probably in American history."

110th U.S. Congress (D-Majority) Lawmakers, Cheney said, "failed" to address the economic threat facing the U.S. auto industry, forcing the White House to come through with $17.4 billion in emergency loans.

Him & Outgoing Pres-George W. Bush (R) On the use of executive power: Cheney offered no apologies for the Bush administration's broad -- and controversial -- use of such powers, saying the move was necessary in the fight against terrorism. "If you think about what Abraham Lincoln did during the Civil War, what FDR did during World War II. They went far beyond anything we've done in a global war on terror," he said.

On Osama bin Laden: Cheney said he thinks bin Laden is still alive, but has doubts about whether he's still in charge of al-Qaida. "He's been holed up in a way where he's not even been communicating and there are questions about whether or not he's even running the operation," he said.

Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT): Cheney said he doesn't regret cursing at Leahy on the Senate floor in June 2004. "I thought he merited it at the time," Cheney said, laughing at the memory.

Fmr. Secy of Defense Donald Rumsfeld (R): Cheney said he didn't agree with President George W. Bush's decision to fire Rumsfeld as defense secretary in his second term. "It wasn't my decision to make," Cheney said. "The president doesn't always take my advice.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Bristol Palin's future Mom in law arrested

Former GOP VP Nominee Sarah Palin's daughter,Bristol's boyfriend's mother was arrested on drug charges today. No further info is available.

Auto Bailout


Today,President Bush granted a $17 Billion bailout for GM & Chrysler with another possible one in February. The money is coming from government funds.They must produce more hybrid vehicles or else they must immediately pay back the debt. No word yet if Ford is getting any $$$.The announcement helped the stock markets go up after a long day of going down.

Minnesota Senate election still going on

MINNEAPOLIS - A lot of chaos over the recount for who gets the Senate seat in Minnesota.
Incumbent Norm Coleman (R) and Comedian Al Franken (D). This is kinda STUPID. Norm Coleman won by a small margin already! Just like the 2000 election in Florida! and What's going on in Minnesota? stolen ballots,confuse votes? Check out this video from (this time,not biased) CBS News:

Watch CBS Videos Online

UPDATE: Coleman (R) may only be ahead by two votes. Gov. Tim Pawlenty (R) is prepping in case of an emergency. The election may not be resolved until maybe next month. If Franken wins,the Dems would have 59 seats in the Senate,just 1 seat short of a super majority.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

The Bush Legacy :Approval Ratings and the economy.

Pres. Bush gave an interview to FOX News to talk about his legacy. Bush said he would try to save it with the economy and promoting free trade. He said he DOES NOT care about his approval ratings because of the economy and he's the current President. He said he didn't 'compromise' his soul to become the 'popular' President. Bush's current approval rating is 26%. Obama's current favorable rating is (official from Real Clear Politics) is 56%. The current Democratically controlled Congress Approval Rating is 18%. It seems more people hate the Democrats' choices and control in Congress than George W. Bush.

Obama names SEC Secretary,Labor Secy tomorrow.

Today,Obama announced his SEC Secretary, Mary Schapiro, and tomorrow,he will announce Secy of Labor-nominee Hilda Solis (D-CA). Rep. Hilda Solis will replace Elaine Chao (R) who is the only original Bush cabinet member and the first Asian-American cabinet member. Secy Chao is married to the Senate Minority Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY).

Auto Industry Crisis: Chrysler's closed,Bush prepares plan

Outgoing-President Bush is creating a possible bailout for the Auto Industries. Today,Chrysler announces it will close ALL of its plants for a month. President Bush is trying to solve this problem before Obama takes office so he won't have to deal with it.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Obama asks GOP for another Cabinet post

CHICAGO - Pres-Elect Barack Obama (D-IL) is going to rumoredly pick GOP Congressman Ray Lahood (R-IL) as Secretary of Transportation. He is one of 2 Republicans in Obama's cabinet,along with Current Secy of Defense Robert Gates ,who defines himself as a Republican (but is currently a registered Independent) who will stay on after Bush leaves. Lahood's son worked on McCain's campaign

Brits get out by May,Bush shoe thrower still in jail.

LONDON - British Prime Minister Gordon Brown (Labour-UK) has announced that the United Kingdom will officially leave Iraq in May,with the 2nd highest amount troops (after US). But the Prime Minister has stated that the UK will continue to support the new Iraqi Government.

BAGHDAD,IRAQ- Protests continue for the release of the journalist that threw a shoe at Current-President Bush at a press conference. The journalist currently remains in jail.White House Press Secy Dana Perino got a black eye from the incident and has stated that if he had done this 5 years ago to Saddam Hussein,he would be executed,which means Freedom of Speech is growing in Iraq.

Images courtesy of the Washington Times and Sydney Morning News.